Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Obama wins!

My friend Ruth and her son Emiliano greet the appearance of President-elect Barack Obama on television last night.

We marvel and celebrate! Could it be there is hope for this contradictory, dangerous and beautiful country?


  1. So thrilled and overjoyed by the result. It just proves what can be done when people overcome their apathy and get out, stand up and be counted.

    Not since JFK's do I remember a more absorbing and interesting election.

  2. Oh yes, there is hope now and hope has consequences, so much more and so much better than fear.

  3. "Change comes to America". Change came to Germany too in 1933....

    Americans like you have just shown the world what true idiots you really are, and you'd better be prepared to reap what you sow. May God have mercy on your pathetic, misguided souls!

  4. Dear anon.: I have feared my country many times. March 2003 when the U.S. attacked and proceeded to fear apart a country that couldn't threaten us if it had tried comes to mind.

    I am sorry that for you, electing President Obama, is one of those times that incites fear.

    We never know the future, but a considerable majority of us feel hope, not fear, in the election's afterglow.

  5. That is precisely the expression on my face, too! I didn't realize you were with them -- how wonderful to share the experience!

    We had two little Obama kitties to tend to at home (we rescued kittens while we were canvassing in Wilkes-Barre!), so we stayed home. But when the win was called, we ran into the street to scream and shout and hug strangers!
