Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Busy [gay] day

I seem to be blogging elsewhere today.

See Walking with Integrity for photos from the protest in San Francisco against the state Supreme Court's affirmation of Prop. 8, outlawing same-sex marriage.

See Time Goes By for a "Gay and Gray" column on outreach to LGBT elders.

Maybe later for some thoughts on the campaigns to overturn Prop. 8 in California -- got another protest to rush off to now.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely to see you this morning briefly in front of the California Supreme Court Building. As you mentioned, this is just one step along the way to change, and it's not even on an issue that particularly resonates with either one of us. The right-wing version of your Christian faith, however, sure is in a full-on reactionary mode, with the Catholic hierarchy currently being some of the worst offenders. This is going to backfire very badly on them.
