The show begins in Torres del Paine National Park in Chile, moves on to the Fitzroy Massif east of El Chalten, Argentina and ends with shots from the shores of Lake Argentina near El Calafate.
After the first few days in Patagonia, we decided that the constant weather changes demonstrated the truth of Donovan's '60s era ditty:
I never understood that until I hiked in Patagonia. One day in less than 6 hours we experienced rain, snow, sleet, fog and sun.First there is a mountain,
Then there is no mountain,
Then there is.
If the slideshow doesn't work, you can see the set here.
"Saturday scenes and scenery" will be a frequent feature here in the future.
Loved these slide shows (I hope there will be more) what a rugged, beautiful place with as much variety as the weather you describe.
ReplyDeleteI also scrolled down to read your view of Chatwin's book. Wonderful. I read it years ago, but had forgotten most of it. I'll pulling it off the shelf to re-read today.