Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Murders in Afghanistan; clueless reporting

This is what endless, purposeless, losing wars do to soldiers and civilians.

SEATTLE — The brutal, premeditated killings of three Afghan civilians — allegedly at the hands of American soldiers — are expected to be detailed in military court near here this fall, potentially undermining efforts by the United States as it tries to win support among Afghans in fighting the Taliban. ...

The charges echo several high-profile criminal episodes at the peak of the fighting in Iraq, when American Marines and other servicemen were accused of killing Iraqi civilians in unprovoked attacks.

In one case that outraged Iraqis, American soldiers were convicted of raping a 14-year-old girl and killing her and her family. In Afghanistan, air strikes and botched American commando raids that killed civilians have already caused political problems.

New York Times, 9/19/2010

How were the Iraqis supposed to respond to the rape and murder? By cheering? Plueeze, don't reporters think what they are writing?

(AP Photo/Rafiq Maqbool) U.S. soldiers patrol near the site of an explosion on the outskirts of Kabul in March 2009.

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