Saturday, January 08, 2011

Saturday scenes and scenery:
Martha's Vineyard in January

This island is a difficult place to photograph. Most of the year, the lights and colors are more subtle than I know how to capture. But January is different. A January sunrise (about 7 am) can be spectacular ...

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... as are reflections of clouds in a body of water know as Tisbury Great Pond, seen at midday.

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The dry grass is more golden than brown -- would that California's hills turned such lively colors in the dry season.

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This tree endures through tough winters.

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Woods like this bring to mind Winnie the Pooh's 100 Aker Wood ...

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... or perhaps somewhere a hobbit might hang out.

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Last night a sliver of moon hung over the island. Sometimes life is better than good -- it's awesome.

View as slideshow here.


  1. I grew up in Mass. and visited the Vineyard often as a child. We use to see Carly Simon and James Taylor every once and a while, ya way back when. I truck out to Providence every couple years to spend time at the National Sea Shore and visit the dune cabins.

    There is something ethereal about your photos, especially the trees. When I saw them my heart yearned for the east coast. I miss New England, I miss the landscape. Thanks for capturing and sharing its beauty.
