Monday, July 02, 2012

Mexico is close by ...

Not everyone is happy about the results of the presidential election in Mexico. Opponents of the victorious candidate of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) -- Enrique Peña Nieto -- demonstrated at 24th and Mission Streets in San Francisco Monday afternoon. The PRI ruled Mexico for 71 successive years in the last century, becoming a spent force for progress, finally synonymous with corruption and electoral fraud.

The Mission District protestors carried signs from the movement YoSoy132. According to Julian Aguilar of the Texas Tribune:

Doubts that a new PRI means anything significant for Mexico have been brewing, particularly among the country's youth and a movement called YoSoy132 (I Am the 132). Though the group, which largely supports [unsuccessful leftist candidate] Lopéz Obrador, was founded by college students, it has now grown to include anyone who opposes the PRI, and Peña Nieto specifically. On Saturday, thousands in the movement descended upon Mexico City’s Plaza de Las Tres Culturas, the site of the country’s massacre in 1968 when student protesters were gunned down by military and police.

Victor Leon, 33, vowed to put the pressure on the PRI despite early reports that Peña Nieto would ascend to Los Pinos, the country’s presidential palace.

“We are committed to staying unified and moving forward with a pacifist movement,” he said.

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