Monday, December 23, 2013

Yet another winter holiday

A friend has made me aware that this season of the winter solstice, Hannukah lights, and the birth of the Christ child is the time of a modern Hindu holiday, Pancha Ganapati, that honors the elephant deity Ganesha.

Images of Ganesha turn up moderately frequently on the streets of San Francisco. Here are some samples I've run across while pursuing my photoblog project: 596 Precincts -- Walking San Francisco. Click on any of them to see in larger size.

Not perhaps traditional images, but neither apparently is Pancha Ganapati a traditional holiday. Here in the northern hemisphere as we wait in hope for longer days and better times, may we all enjoy whatever holiday lifts our spirits!

1 comment:

Hattie said...

However you choose to celebrate the holdays, enjoy yourself and have a Happy New Year.