Wednesday, April 01, 2015

A murderous historical falsehood

I know I'm out of touch with my culture; somehow I'd missed that the National Geographic channel had gifted us with an anti-Semitic Jesus biopic just in time for the Christian Holy Week.

No, I didn't watch "Killing Jesus." But Sr. Rose Pacatte did and wrote this in the National Catholic Reporter:

I hope that someday here in Hollywood, there will be a seminar where Jewish scholars will demonstrate to film and television producers how Jesus and the Jews of his time would have dressed and what their religious and life practices would have been. Here, most of the Jews wear the kippah, or skullcap -- but Jesus never does. These men were observant Jews, and by leaving off the prayer shawl and the kippah for Jesus and the disciples, the film, like almost every other Jesus film, lacks historical authenticity. Jesus was not a Christian.

My emphasis.

The lie that Jesus was a Christian -- and that the Jews blew it and killed him -- underlies Western Christian anti-Semitism. Jesus, whoever else he was, lived and died a Jew. The end point of the Christian fantasy story is the Holocaust. 'Nuff said.

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