Saturday, March 19, 2016

A "marriage" of Bayview and the Mission

Supporters of the three recent victims of San Francisco's trigger-happy killer cops came together on City Hall steps on Friday in a display of Black-Brown unity they called something like a "marriage" of just causes.

Minister Christopher Muhammad from the Nation of Islam in the Bayview warned city leaders that the communities will hold them accountable, flanked by the parents of Alex Nieto from the Bernal Hill area of the Mission District.

Felicia Jones from Local 1021 SEIU led chants calling for firing Police Chief Greg Suhr and other officers who threaten and disrespect people in the communities.

Fr. Richard Smith spoke for the coalition seeking justice and compensation for the parents of undocumented worker Amilcar Perez Lopez shot in the back in the Mission.

There's deep determination in this city to carry this fight forward -- diverse communities united in seeking justice.

Justice 4 Mario Woods Coalition
Justice 4 Alex Nieto
Justice 4 Amilcar Perez-Lopez

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