Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Talking sense about the 2020 Democrats

Anyone who watched last week’s two-night candidates’ debate should be confident that the eventual Democratic nominee is virtually certain to support universal health care, comprehensive and compassionate immigration reform, reasonable gun control, measures to address climate change and bold steps to address income inequality. No, this is not a Republican agenda.

Eugene Robinson, Washington Post

Friends of mine, on-line and off, complain about the Democratic competition for the presidential spot. It's already gone on too long; the aspirants just squabble; they drip ambition and calculation. I've added my own complaints that there are simply too many of them.

Calm down, folks. The trauma of Donald Trump, the chronic anxiety he provokes, is overwhelming us. These people are hammering a Democratic Party vision into being. The process is democratic -- small "d" -- that means it is contentious and sometimes a little silly. But that's what happens when masses of people try to get going in one direction.

What's emerging is light years more humane and more just than anything we envisioned even four years ago. We, collectively, are learning what we want from this country's riches and people.

Bask in it -- it's not something most humans have ever had the chance to participate in.

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