Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Hillary Clinton: please just shut up

It's not about you. I don't care if you don't like Bernie and especially his (apparently young and male) intemperate followers.

The 2020 campaign is about dumping Trump. There are millions of us prepared to work our butts off even if the Democratic electorate saddles the effort with an uninspiring "moderate" or old white man.

You can stuff your ego and get with the job. Yes, I know, that's been your life. Struggle is long; that's why they call it struggle.
Yes, I know, she's backed off her original bull-bleep. But I expect better of her and her tribe.
I was just cleaning out my stash of Hillary Clinton images and damned if I didn't have to use one again.
This abbreviated post is the consequence of having lost a couple of hours, along with the hard working E.P., trying to get our calendars to sync. They never did. I'm as mad at Google and Apple as at Hillary. Not yet a good day.

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