Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Historical farce

Once upon a time, there was a Kennedy who "advised American families to build bomb shelters to protect them from atomic fallout in the event of a nuclear exchange ..." That dangerous farce was 60 years ago.

Now we have a Republican Kennedy who argues again for bomb shelters.

“Well, the [former] vice president says he will transform America. He will. And the American people will pay a fearsome price. [Biden's] foreign policy is hugs and hot cocoa for America’s enemies. If he’s elected, my advice to you is to build a fallout shelter,” the Louisiana senator exclaimed, prompting [Sean] Hannity to do a double take.

“Build a fallout shelter,” Kennedy reiterated. “You’ll need it. ...”

Daily Beast

Pretty stupid argument for his party's President who has abrogated, ended, or broken every agreement restraining nuclear danger that he could get his mitts on: the multilateral agreement with Iran to halt their nuclear bomb development; the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) first signed by Ronald Reagan; and the Open Skies Treaty which allows the U.S. and Russia to fly over each other's territory to verify arms control agreements. And this Kennedy's current president seemingly aims to kill off the New START treaty with Russia which limits how many nuclear missiles each country can deploy.

Fallout shelters never were going to save anyone; the very real Cuban Missile crisis which nearly led to mass annihilation taught that first Kennedy that nukes were nothing to play games with. Of this, as of most everything but gilded gewgaws, this President knows nothing. Arms control treaties bring adversaries together to, at minimum, keep the talk going instead of the shooting. We need more, not less of them. This is something I do trust that Joe Biden knows.

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