We're not living in the peaceable kingdom around here. Janeway wishes she could persuade me to play with her 12 hours a day (the balance of her time is for napping). But even with the pandemic, I can't give her that much attention. But she has discovered that if she peers out the back door, she can bait Carli, the pit bull, into charging the glass and barking. Janeway, not at all afraid, rises up and threatens to rip Carli's nose.
It's all good fun until their respective human servants hear the uproar and chase them away from each other. The glass is fortunately very tough.
Typical cat behavior. Assuming you have no fencing to keep the pit bull at home. The dog living next door to me is so gentle and nothing he finds in his yard seems to bother him. Shiloh is part Pitt, part Rhodesian ridge-back.