Monday, September 07, 2020

Labor Day 2020

In San Francisco, we frequently communicate with our neighbors by posting signs in our windows. The pandemic has only increased our drive toward this kind of pseudo-interaction. Among a flowering of signs proclaiming our hope and fear for Black lives and other signs congratulating high school grads robbed of their graduation ceremonies, we shout our thanks for those who go out to work.

Since Walking San Francisco was not interrupted by the shelter-in-place order (solitary, masked, exercise, right?) I collected many examples. These workers who are experiencing a far higher rate of infection than those of us who can stay home deserve all our thanks. And better pay than most receive!

Do we think those of us who don't have to go out will remember who we owe when this is over? If it ever is over ...


  1. Wonder if you took these photos before the recent fires sending smoke to clog the air. Skies not too healthy where i am east of L.A. though no fire that close by.

  2. Joared -- these are all 2020 photos from Walking San Francisco. Anytime March-July.
