Friday, September 04, 2020

This year, they want to vote

Don't let anyone tell you there's no enthusiasm for the approaching election. Those of us phonebanking to turn out voters may feel like tiny irritants nudging an oblivious mountain, struggling to be noticed at all. But for all the brush-offs, there are data showing that a lot of people think voting matters, even if they are not sure exactly how or whether they are sold on the candidates.

Granted, this is from California, but it nonetheless amazing to those of us who've felt that getting people to take up elections was like pulling teeth. From CalMatters

More Californians have registered to vote in the November election than in any other presidential election year for the last 20 years, with more than 83% of eligible voters registered as of July, according to recent findings from the Public Policy Institute of California and California Secretary of State.

And look at what these registrations suggest about their political leanings:  

    •    In 2000, 47% of Democrats identified as “liberal,” compared to 57% in 2020.
    •    In 2000, 59% of Republicans identified as “conservative,” compared to 73% in 2020.  
Here’s a look at California’s voter breakdown this year so far:
    •    46.3% Democrat (up from 45.1% in 2016)
    •    24% Republican (down from 27.1% in 2016)
    •    24% independent (up from 23.3% in 2016)

In the last few days, I've been calling with the hotel workers' union into Florida. Despite misgivings, people are up to vote -- but there's a maze of rules and procedures they need to overcome to make it happen. That's what we do on the phones, help people make a plan to get it done.

Contact me <janinsanfranatgmail> if you are trying to figure out how to get involved; the work is national and not so bad, really.

Image: Erlinda was proud of her first vote in Reno in 2018.


  1. Hubby and I registered and have voted this year so wait for our mail in ballots. Daughter wants to drive us to drop them off as she is concerned about the mail now.

  2. Hi Bonnie -- it's so good that you are making a plan. That's how we get it done.
