Monday, October 05, 2020

Trump trash

People who work regularly on political campaigns despise doorhangers, those usually glossy bits of cardboard touting a candidate. You might find one on your door -- or blowing around the yard. Some of us refer to them as "campaign litter." Campaigners only employ them when they have canvassers who can't or won't be trained to knock and talk with voters. (And perhaps when they are afflicted with campaign management that is in hoc to some designer and/or printer and wants to throw these companies some easy bucks.)

Those of us who live in uncontested states don't get to see what the psychopath-in-chief is putting out in battleground states, but I've got a source and thought some people might want to see some samples.

This one is a bit ghoulish. Not surprising I guess. People who thrill to a guy who is willing to kill his Secret Service protectors and their families for a few cheers is a ghoul.

This one at least claims to make a case. Obviously, Joe Biden is a stooge for Black Lives Matter, Inc., a non-existent organization. This one reeks of the Republican terror that someone, somewhere, will call them out for racism or misogyny. Democrats are frequently -- and aptly -- criticized for speaking to their choir. Here Donald is singing the song of his most deplorable base, unconvincingly it seems to most of us. 
Here's another specimen of Trump campaign litter, much more offensive. The administration is forcing the Department of Agriculture to include flyers touting the Great Father in free food boxes distributed to people who the pandemic has left unemployed and hungry.
There's that feudal patriarchal discourse he favors: he's your Dad, it's his country, you are needy serfs on his fiefdom. Bullshit. This country was founded in revolt against the pretensions of a king. We can ditch this pretender.

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