Saturday, October 24, 2020

"We are building the world that I want to see..."

They are a team. Danell Cross and Melody McCurtis are determined to prevent what America witnessed during Wisconsin's April 7th’s primary election from happening again. ...

Listen up and get inspired.

  • Black communities have always had to fight for the right to vote. 
  • What we're up against, this time, has snapped us out of numbness.
  • All these different things is really holding our folks back from wanting to vote ...
  • I just got to keep on getting up and surviving each day.
  • We're mobilizing people to vote because we want power. ...
  • When I vote I'm voting to keep the officials accountable, not just for me but for the entire community.
  • Black folks is real skeptical right now.
  • It's a lot of misinformation, and I know it is on purpose.
  • My whole job is to outmaneuver the systematic racism in Milwaukee.
  • We don't make a lot of  money, but we are building the world that I want to see.


  1. Bless those women! I tried to get my Hispanic neighbor to go vote. Didn't work, he doesn't think it would do any good.

    My yard is the only one with a political sign... Biden/Harris.

  2. Bonnie: Bravely done with your sign ... little by little we move the world.
