Thursday, November 19, 2020

Big changes, huge human migrations

The intrinsic defect of predictions about the future is that they haven't happened -- yet. They are a kind of guesswork, sometimes informed, sometimes offbase, all subject to unexpected variables. I give more credit to projections about the implications of climate change than I do to most predictions just because the forces involved are so large, so beyond the puny scale we apprehend in daily life, that we may be less likely to completely misread them.

And so, here's a short prediction for what escalating climate change will mean, mostly right here in this highly fortunate country.

It's a lot more interesting than the teaser on the screen might suggest. Maybe within a few years, the seemingly invariant electoral map will look very different. Most certainly, vulnerable people will be hurt most if the climate evolves as this projects.

H/t Juan Cole.

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