Friday, January 07, 2022

Friday cat blogging: meet Noosa

She sure looks like a close cousin to Janeway, doesn't she?

According to the Washington Post:

Hisham Bin Ali Bin Amor Sliti often struggles with headaches and bouts of loneliness. At Guantánamo, he took comfort in the stray animals that wandered into the camp, and in Slovakia he keeps a cat that he named Noosa. “I like animals,” he said. “Animals are like small children. Innocent.”

Mr. Sliti, originally from Tunisia, was dumped into George W. Bush's law-free prison at Guantanamo in 2002. By 2014, U.S.jailers had realized he was just some loser they'd been sold by crooks in Afghanistan. They dropped him off in Slovakia. He has understandable PTSD and no reliable means of support. And not much life. And, having crushed a working class guy who wanted to be a mechanic, the United States takes no further responsibility for him.

At least he has Noosa.

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