Monday, February 07, 2022

This was "legitimate political discourse."

The Republican National Committee really did label the Trump mob's attempt to overturn the 2020 election by storming Congress an instance of "legitimate political discourse." So much for the will of a large majority of citizens.

Do we, the majority of us, care if our preferences as expressed in elections, matter? I believe, at root, most of us do care. This country's political system is creaky and usually unsatisfying, but most of us prefer it to unchecked governance by erratic, racist, narcissistic kleptocrats.

But we have to be organized to make our caring felt. 

A downloadable survey of The Plot to Steal the Presidency is available at the link. Highly recommended for its overview of what democracy is up against. This document envisions a parallel campaign alongside partisan election struggles that includes citizen activism to shore up fair election administration. Maybe campaigning for yet another Democrat seems just too uninspring ... think about volunteering for "election protection." I spent some time in 2020 on a phone line that helped people figure out how and where they could legally cast ballots and how to resolve any problems. This too seems a necessary and worthy activity ...

We will only lose democracy if we don't work to practice it.

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