Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Gleaning in the Mission

The old fashioned definition of gleaning is "to gather (leftover grain or other produce) after a harvest." I think of the word as referring to gathering any food stuffs freely available. Gleaning in my mind is a little more agricultural than dumpster diving for left overs, but still something people in need do. And should be entitled to do.

And there's a street tree that has produced highly edible tasty plums right outside our house. If you were not observant, you might not notice the fruit.

It looks like any sidewalk tree.

But note the urban gleaner's foot descending from the tree.

Folks have been eating free plums from this tree for a week. I've having one that one of them offered me right now.

1 comment:

  1. I keep looking at the yellow flower. I should know what that is.

    Our neighbors orange tree was picked often by me until I had the stroke. The unusual freeze we had took it to. I see some shoots coming back up from the ground. Now if they would take the dead tree down they could prune for a nice tree. lol
