Thursday, August 18, 2022

Politics MAGA-Nevada style

You can't drive around Reno without seeing Joey Gilbert's billboards. He's the pugilistic lawyer who wants your business.

The guy is an evangelist for Trump's Big Lie and the generally violent id of the GOP.  Gilbert decided he should run for governor in the Republican primary.

Joey Gilbert lost his primary in June. By a lot. So he announced the election must have been fraudulent. And started his legal wheels whirling.
LAS VEGAS (KSNV) — Reno attorney Joey Gilbert has filed a lawsuit over his defeat in the Nevada GOP gubernatorial primary. 
... "It's simple; we prove with mathematical certainty Joey Gilbert is the winner of the primary gubernatorial race and that he had over 55,000 votes taken from him," [conservative blogger and activist Robert] Beadles wrote. 
... Gilbert finished second to Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo in last month's primary race. Lombardo had more than 87,000 tallies, about 38% of the vote in the GOP contest, while Gilbert finished about 26,000 votes behind with 27% of the ballots. 
Gilbert previously paid for a recount in all 17 Nevada counties. That effort ultimately changed the margin of the contest by one ballot in Clark County, as Lombardo lost eight votes while Gilbert lost seven.
Gilbert's crusade to overturn the primary infected the Washoe County (Reno) Republican Party. The Reno Gazette Journal got hold of a tape of a leadership meeting:
Carole Fineberg, party secretary, pleaded with [party chair Bruce] Parks on the recording to find someone to talk to Gilbert and ["election Integrity" committee chairman Robert] Beadles: “Ask them, ‘Please don’t tear down the party.’” 
“We’re being demolished, guys,” added [treasurer Sandra] Linares. 
Parks responded, “The one thing I'm not going to do is tell my election integrity committee chair to stop. … I want him to fuel up his flamethrower and burn this son of a bitch to the ground if he has to.” 
“And whoever he takes with it?” Linares asked. 
“Damn straight,” Parks said.
A few days ago, Gilbert's lawsuit to overthrow the primary was thrown out of court.
A Carson City judge has blocked Reno attorney and former Republican gubernatorial candidate Joey Gilbert’s effort to re-do the 2022 primary election, finding that “no competent evidence” was presented that would warrant the extraordinary changes Gilbert sought. 
District Court Judge James Wilson issued the ruling for summary judgment in favor of Clark County sheriff and Republican gubernatorial nominee Joe Lombardo from the bench on Wednesday, blocking the election contest from proceeding further.  
Gilbert’s election contest, filed after a statewide recount on July 15, heavily relied on testimony from Edward Solomon, identified by the suit as an “expert mathematician,” who has alleged since the 2020 election that “algorithms” have been responsible for switching votes in multiple states. 
Wilson called the Solomon report “hearsay, first of all,” and said there was no showing that the information provided by “the admitted non-expert Mr. Solomon … is the product of a reliable methodology.”
Our campaign is working to defeat the Republican who did win the primary -- and to re-elect Governor Steve Sisolak who has been a good governor for workers. Sisolak supported a measure which gave precedence in rehiring to workers laid off during the pandemic. That's particularly important in a state so dependent on casinos and hospitality to tourists. He has supported extension of state health care access and raising the minimum wage. 

Despite the national bad mood, we are proving that we can help voters remember that Sisolak is on their side.

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