Thursday, August 04, 2022

Why women are so mad

 On reflection, this is perhaps more trollish than I should have posted. But there are plenty of women who feel this way!

A twitter thread from my friend @phbehnken, lightly edited. Yes, many women are fighting mad. We showed it in the vote in Kansas.

People who don't give birth have tried to take over their decision-making re: childbirth. Men have so little concern for women, they didn't bother to look up or learn about childbirth problems beforehand. It's not like we INVENTED childbirth anomalies!

One in 5 pregnancies ends in miscarriage, but you never noticed? You didn't ask why? You're so turned off by all yucky women's body issues, you stuck your collective heads in the sand and said: Just do it! Have the baby, for crying out loud! When that didn't work you tried guilt.

When that didn't work, you turned to threats. Do it or else! Go to jail! Lose your other kids! Lose your job, friends, life outside momhood. Or lose your life completely. We don't care! Don't argue or we'll make it even worse: No birth control! Get it? Shut up and have the kid.

At the end of the day, you guys didn't even acknowledge how forced births would change family life; More work. More mouths to feed. Loss of one income. Need for more space, another car. Loss of a woman's identity outside marriage, motherhood. You never thought of that either?

And if you thought doctors, the home-birth midwives or hospitals would save you, think again. If they try, we will destroy them. Eventually they won't be able to get insured and will give up. We mean business.

This is a lot to handle and we have guy-things to do---play w/guns, watch sports, complain about gas prices---so we're putting bounties on your heads/turning over enforcement to your nosey neighbors and county prosecutors. By now, you should see you are ours. We own you.

And if you had any delusions of escaping your fate by ignoring is completely by changing your orientation or even your gender, forget that. We're getting rid of that, too. And if you fuss about this, we'll pull the Bible card on you and treat you like a heathen sinner.

You see, we've got you cornered. You may have thought we saw you as far more than a vagina, uterus and breasts, but that was wishful thinking. Bottom line: Do what you were put on earth for.

Have the kids under control by the time I get home and dinner on the table at 6. I want steak.

• • •

Maybe not how I would have written this -- but it's so real! Notably, it was young people of both sexes who ran up the score against abortion restrictions in Kansas. They know. And they know the lives they want to build which are not the kind a certain kind of fossil male wants for them.

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