This Labor Day, in addition to everyone else who toils for pay and sometimes pride, let's remember professional election workers. They are under siege.
Here's a thread from @GraceBannasch, town clerk of her home town. This is what she is being subjected to:
Here's her account:
I want people to understand what local election officials are dealing with behind the scenes, so I’ve decided to share a letter making extreme demands that has been received by election officials all over the country over the last week.
... The demand here is extremely burdensome. It isn’t practical to retain all election records permanently. Also, even I, an actual election administrator, don’t recognize half the terms utilized here.
... the tactics of the Big Lie crowd are moving in the direction of targeting specific election workers, especially poll workers. This is obviously a coordinated campaign to interfere with the ability of election officials to perform our duties according to state and federal law.
I’ve gotten this exact same letter from 3 different people this week alone. I’d be shocked if any of them had heard of my tiny little hilltown with only around 1,500 registered voters before they copied and pasted my email address.
Please note, they aren’t just talking about the 2020 Nov 3 Presidential Election. They are demanding we retain ALL records for ALL state/federal election records beyond the retention deadline, indefinitely.
... When we say that democracy is under attack, this is one example of what we’re talking about. Just one. Out of countless. This has to stop. It’s not okay. Election administrators need help. We have elections to run, and real work to get done.
And that's without the death threats.
some people have too much free time available. get another hobby