Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Tax day

Substacker and sometime curmudgeon Matthew Yglesias was playing with Microsoft's Bing AI chatbot and emerged with this. Suits the day:

Tax policy is a complex art
That shapes the nation's wealth and heart
It sets the rules for who must pay
And how much they must give away

Tax policy can spur or slow
The economic growth and flow
It can reward or penalize
The choices that we make and prize

Tax policy reflects our goals
Our values and our social roles
It can promote equality
Or foster opportunity

Tax policy is not a game
It has a power and a name
It shapes our lives in many ways
And we should care how it is made. 

The bot strikes me as a bit idealistic but not entirely offbase about the implications of our taxes. And extremely conventional.

Meanwhile, if you are from California, this Mission Local headline reveals the state of play on this day:

More here. We've had weather.

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