Tuesday, August 15, 2023

So amazing ...

 By way of Bill McKibben, here's a rousing way to begin the day.

Images via Windows on Earth: see the Earth through the Astronauts' Lens. Best viewed at full screen size.

Let's offer this as a tribute to Montana activists:

Young environmental activists scored what may be a groundbreaking legal victory Monday when a Montana judge said state agencies were violating their constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment by allowing fossil fuel development.

The ruling in the first-of-its-kind trial in the U.S. adds to a small number of legal decisions around the world that have established a government duty to protect citizens from climate change.

... Law professor David Dana at the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law said the ruling was a “remarkable win” for the young climate activists and predicted it will be used as a guidepost for attorneys bringing similar suits in other states.

... State officials tried to derail the case and prevent it from going to trial through numerous motions to dismiss the lawsuit. [District Court Judge Kathy] Seeley rejected those attempts.

Julia Olson, an attorney representing the youths, released a statement calling the ruling a win “for Montana, for youth, for democracy, and for our climate.”

They aren't going to fry quietly. Oil barons, mine owners, and their bought-and-paid-for state legislators will do their best to suppress their movement, but don't count them out!

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