Thursday, September 21, 2023

In which Erudite Partner returns to the inescapable ...

... after a 40 year hiatus. 

Stumbling Towards Old Age ... And Looking for Someone to Lean On
It turns out that we — the people of this country — are all on our own. ... But even as I grieve for capacities lost and departing, I’m still not ready to come face to face with the only true alternative to aging: not some tech bro’s wet dream of eternal life, but the reality of death. I’m opposed to dying and, had the universe consulted me, I’d have left mortality out of its design completely. 

... Aging really is a roulette game.

Need the inevitable be quite so lonely? Could we, collectively, do better by each other?


  1. Yes,actually.
    I come by that answer ashamed that I haven't done more myself. Here I am at 72, so a bit late to the party but volunteering the past couple years for an organization that helps infirm and elderly. More infirm and elderly than myself, that is. I don't know the real answer but you are right, we are on our own and are best to organize in small groups (neighbors? church mates? ) to help each other. About that death thing...just enough trusted company till near the end is all I hope for.

  2. Hi Jackie: as the Beatles wrote - "we get by with the help of our friends..."

    All the best.
