Thursday, May 09, 2024

Such moderate gas prices!

Yes -- gas on Martha's Vineyard is nearly a dollar cheaper than in San Francisco. People who live on the island think of what they pay for gas as obviously extortionate. And the price is far higher than in mainland Massachusetts. But my sticker shock goes the other way.
According to Calmatters the Golden State is genuinely special when it comes to gas prices:
Californians pay more at the pump than residents of any other state — an average of $5.34 a gallon for regular unleaded, compared to the national average of $3.64, according to AAA. Statewide, gas prices have jumped 55 cents a gallon from this time a year ago.

Governor Newsom suspects the oil industry of sticking it to Californians in pursuit of windfall profits.

Most of the rest of the country reports what seem truly lower prices than on either coast:

Click to enlarge.
Bring on those electric vehicles -- but in the meantime, the pricing patterns are daunting.

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