Sunday, June 30, 2024

The test ahead

George Conway [@gtconway3d] used to be married to Kellyanne Conway, Donald Trump's ubiquitous liar to media, she of the "alternative facts."

In consequence, he found himself spending time in proximity to the Orange Madman in 2016 and '17 (that was before his divorce.)

He's a surprisingly complicated observer. Here arehis thoughts on our challenge in this season of tough choices: 

Source unknown; someone's Twitter
... Trump embodies the worst in *all* of us. For we are all human.
Trump revels in and glorifies our worst human traits: self-absorption, greed, mendacity, vindictiveness, ignorance, and so much else. He embodies all that we should aspire, and teach our children, not to be.
Worse yet, he gives permission for others to be their worst selves. And that is the ultimate danger he poses. He’s a threat to truth, honor, reason, and decency.
And that’s mostly without regard to policy—remember, Trump’s party is the party without a policy platform—although it does have implications for policy. But those are secondary.
First and foremost, Trump and Trumpism pose a moral test, not a political test. I hope and pray and believe that our nation will pass and survive it.

We know what we have to do; opportunities to work on the election will be many. This soul-trying moment demands our all.

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