Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Harris calls out Trump, Vance and the GOP for their hate

 She tells you what she really thinks -- and feels.

The assault from Donald Trump and JD Vance on the community of Springfield, OH, got to her. I don't usually post videos of this length. But, in an interview at the National Association of Black Journalists, meet our next president.
"... my heart breaks for these children ... a whole community put in fear. ... your words have meaning. ... when you are bestowed with a microphone that big, there is a profound responsibility that comes with that. ... you are responsible for your words, [for] how you conduct yourself. ... it's a crying shame what is happening to those children in that community ... the American people deserve better than this. ... I know that regardless of their race, their gender, their location, that people are deeply troubled by what is happening to that community in Springfield,Ohio ... We have got to say that you cannot be entrusted with standing behind that seal of the President of the United States of America and engaging in that hateful rhetoric .. that is designed to divide us. ... I think most people in this country are beginning to see through this nonsense and to say let's turn the page on this. It's exhausting and it's harmful. ... Let's turn the page and chart a new way forward and say that you can't have that microphone again."
This is presidential.

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