Friday, January 17, 2025

The MAGA wish list is BS

They want us to be afraid as the dreaded MAGA inauguration comes. "Us" here means newcomers to the USofA, Brown people, and their friends who can be confident about our citizenship status; we're all in this together. They will give us plenty of reasons to fear, some of those reasons genuine. They can do bad things.

But not all that is threatened is possible. But they can't do everything they want without friction. Our job is to enhance that friction.

Perhaps most people shouldn't focus on the cruel possibilities the Trump immigration threats make possible. After all, inciting the fears is part of their playbook of forced deportations. But those of us who can bear knowing the possibilities can recognize the gamut these threats run.

David J. Bier [], Director of Immigration Studies at the pro-immigration, libertarian Cato Institute summarizes what Trump's immigration agenda might look like in the approximate order we might see it. In addition to what Trump has been saying about his plans, this list largely derives from Project 2025.
1) cancel the 2023 Biden-initiated Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela (CHNV) parole processes for refugees which have channeled 30,000 people/month into legal channels 
2) ban scheduling appointments for lawful entry from Mexico using the 2023 Biden-initiated CBP One app
3) suspend the refugee program for 100+ days & cut cap from 125K to 20K 
4) impose a visa/travel ban on a dozen countries 
5) impose new "extreme vetting" requirements on all countries 
6) possibly suspend all visas globally for 30 days
7) declare a national emergency at the border 
8) deploy the national guard to the border
9) redirect military funds to build detention camps
10) restart border wall construction 
11) invoke Title 42 health authority to expel migrants [legal ruse used during COVID]
12) restart family detention
13) declare an invasion 
14) invoke the Alien Enemies Act to deport without due process 
15) use the military to enforce Alien Enemies Act 
16) revoke prioritization of criminals & security threats for deportation
17) let state/local police conduct immigration arrests & deportation
18) restrict federal funding for sanctuary cities 
19) conduct public raid in a sanctuary city 
20) instruct review of birthright citizenship 
21) review of public charge rule reinstatement 
22) review of TPS and DACA
For all MAGA's anti-migrant hysteria, this list of cruelty and stupidity is not going to happen in a day. In fact, most of it will never happen at all, because it is either illegal, impossible to implement, or they are too inept to mobilize a whole country around their hateful plans.

For all Donald's posturing, as recently as last July, Gallup found that most Americans appreciate the contributions of newcomers to the country.

Click to enlarge

Yet hard-pressed individuals and families who are very much part of our lives at going to be at risk under the Trump regime. Republicans have made promises of prosperity and stability they cannot and will not keep, especially while implementing an anti-immigrant panic. Who is going to harvest our food and wash the pans in the local fast food chain? For that matter, who is going to write computer code for the Musks and Zucks?

The first six months will be the worst; I still believe our fellow citizens will recoil as excesses pile up. Most of us like our neighbors and appreciate them. The job for those of us not currently at risk is to support vulnerable people and throw whatever sand we can conjure up into the gears of the deportation machine. Let's support the lawyers who care for the people. We know how to do this.

A national directory of non-profit, low cost immigration legal services.

Immigration law is rat's next of mysterious byways and dead ends. Several articles which communicate some of the horror which our politicians have made of immigration:

Dara Lind explains What ‘Mass Deportation’ Actually Means

Aaron Reichin-Melnick interviewed at Radly Balko's The Watch

Adrian Carrasquillo writes a column called Huddled Masses at The Bulwark. He has wide sources.

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