Tuesday, January 28, 2025

They want to reinvigorate HIV and kill more people

Mostly poor and Black people ...

Amid the general carnage of the Trump coup against American government, it's easy to get lost in a recital of horrors. But here's one that feels awfully familiar. 

Click to enlarge. Marked for death.
The administration has brutally shut down PEPFAR, the global program launched by George W. Bush to limit the further spread of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Yesterday recipients around the world were ordered to shut down and not even distribute anti-HIV drugs already in their possession. Here's the NY Times:

The Trump administration has instructed organizations in other countries to stop disbursing H.I.V. medications purchased with U.S. aid, even if the drugs have already been obtained and are sitting in local clinics.

... Appointments are being canceled, and patients are being turned away from clinics, according to people with knowledge of the situation who feared retribution if they spoke publicly. Many people with H.I.V. are facing abrupt interruptions to their treatment.

But most federal officials are also under strict orders not to communicate with external partners, leading to confusion and anxiety, according to several people with knowledge of the situation.

... Without treatment, virus levels in people with H.I.V. will quickly spike, hobbling the immune systems of the infected people and increasing the odds that they will spread the virus to others.

About one in three untreated pregnant women may pass the virus on to their babies.

Interrupted treatment may also lead to the emergence of resistant strains that can spread across the world.

One study estimated that if PEPFAR were to end, as many as 600,000 lives would be lost over the next decade in South Africa alone. And that nation relies on PEPFAR for only 20 percent of its H.I.V. budget. Some poorer countries are almost entirely dependent on the program.

This is premeditated murder.   

UPDATE, January 29: The PEPFAR cancellation has been momentarily rescinded, but the coup by the President and his tech bro handlers continues. The KnowNothings rule.

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