Monday, February 17, 2025

Musk must go!

Hundreds of San Franciscans paid a visit to the Tesla showroom on Van Ness Avenue on Presidents Day.

We were not feeling friendly to the bullying billionaire baby.

I doubt the brand will recover from Elon's exploits in dictatorial deconstruction.
We know what to do.
Even the folks upstairs in the Tesla building have the right idea.
And this was only one of two anti-fascist, anti-Musk/Trump, anti-MAGA demonstrations on the holiday. I'll post photos from the concurrent crowd eight blocks away from Tesla at Civic Center tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Jan for posting the photos. I was at the Van Ness convergence as well. It was lively, inspiring and.....displayed some great signage. The "drivers-by" were enthusiastic in their responses: drivers in Muni and Golden Gate buses, cab and Uber passengers, a couple of SFPD officers, AND a LOT of Tesla drivers. (The chants need some updating tho...)
