Thursday, May 29, 2008

Grandmothers and vets out against the war

They've been there from 4:30-5:30 every Wednesday for 230 weeks now. Since January 14, 2004, members of Grandmothers Against the War, joined by members of Veterans for Peace, have kept up a witness for peace alongside Rockefeller Center in New York City.

Half a block away, Prometheus floats over a bar full of tourists under a sea of flags.

But these folks have a simple message.

"The surge has failed. It's a civil war over there. Bring them home alive!" Seems like a good message.

1 comment:

  1. You're wonderful to have created this lovely blog about us, the Grandmothers Against the War, with marvelous pictures. I began the vigil on Jan. 14, 2004, with just two of us. My book, "GRANDMOTHERS AGAINST THE WAR: GETTING OFF OUR FANNIES AND STANDING UP FOR PEACE" (Citadel Press) was just published on April 29.

    By way of a little thank you, here's my song video, "Grandmama for Obama" which I just put on YouTube (I'm an ASCAP songwriter)
    I hope you enjoy it, and, again, many thanks.

    Incidentally, do I know you?
    Did we meet at the vigil?

    Gratefully, Joan Wile
