Saturday, July 09, 2011

Saturday scenes and scenery: Oregon road trip curiosities

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When we arrived at Crater Lake on one of the most beautiful days I've ever seen, this group of young Amish women was getting a picture taken. They seemed to be on a kind of wanderjahr, a van trip around the country after which they'd presumably be better able to make the decision whether to return to their community as adult members. They were clearly having a wonderful time. It was a pleasure to be near them.

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This very modest bear is a representative specimen of the decor at a Black Bear Diner, a handy small chain restaurant in that part of the world, a step up from Denny's.

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This dive in coastal Langlois is definitely one of a kind. We ate breakfast there and appreciated the simple, no-nonsense food.

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This ten-foot high gentleman dominates the north entrance to the town of Grants Pass. He turns out to be the totem of a city booster club. A sign explains:

The Cavemen, dressed in animal skins, wearing horsehair wigs, buck teeth and "big horns" run rampant in parades and gatherings of the public ... Their main purpose is to publicize Grants Pass ...

Whatever. We enjoyed the road; you never know what you'll come upon next.

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