Friday, August 12, 2011

Working women

Despite the dispiriting unemployment crisis, some women are working. Their lives are not romantic.

When the movie The Help opened this week, hundreds of thousands of viewers were swept up in the story of domestic workers struggling for dignity and respect in Civil Rights-era Mississippi. What those viewers might be surprised to learn is that across America, modern domestic workers are living out that struggle today. Learn more, and pledge to be there for today's "help" at National Domestic Workers Alliance.

Meanwhile, in factories across the world, women work in terrible conditions, subject to rape, torture and beatings. Listen to this Sri Lankan woman who came to Jordan to work in a factory and better her family. "That man destroyed me ..."

In the United States, the clothes these women sew are sold at Wal-Mart, Target, Macy’s, Kohl’s Lands’ End, and Hanes.

You can urge these companies to stop abuse of their workers by signing this petition.

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