Sunday, July 14, 2013

"If I didn't get letters from my family, I'd have done life in prison …"

We've seen change here … we've seen people come home because of a letter.

I see mail as a lifeline...

When you don't get mail, it messes you up ...

Inside, there's a world of insanity. The only sanity they get oftentimes are the letters...

On a nightly basis, when you're in custody, the one thing you look forward to is your mail …

Santa Clara County jail officials proposed to stop inmates from receiving letters. They would restrict inmates to postcard communications. County residents -- families of the incarcerated, the formerly incarcerated, faith leaders, re-entry service providers, civil rights and legal advocates -- met with the officials to share their perspectives as to why letters are critical to maintain for inmates, their loved ones, and the community as a whole.

Let's hope Santa Clara authorities rethink this short-sighted idea.

H/t Silicon Valley DeBug.

I'm on the road and off the grid. Well, at least I intend to be free of the internet until early August, though I may drop in occasionally. But never fear -- there will be a new post here daily. Mostly visual posts, but intriguing I hope.

1 comment:

  1. This is awful. (gross understatement)

    Enjoy your time away!!!
