Monday, February 27, 2017

Remembering Amilcar

Two years ago, two San Francisco Police officers fired six shots in the back of Guatemalan worker Amilcar Perez Lopez on Folsom Street in the Mission district. San Francisco District Attorney George Gascón is still sitting on the case; no word yet whether the killers might face any charges.

Last night Mission indigenous dancers led a small crowd in a walk around the block where Amilcar was killed ...

... a ritual of purification for healing...

... and against the violence which envelopes the community.

And then the rain returned. The hardy in the crowd remained to hear messages from Amilcar's family in Guatemala, from a roommate and witness, and from relatives of other victims of the SFPD's impulse to use lethal force: Idriss Stelley, Alex Nieto, Luis Góngora Pat ... the list is long.

For these young men, San Francisco was the opposite of a sanctuary city.

1 comment:

  1. I think I recall hearing about that event. Hard to believe there's been no resolution after such a long time. If that was then, I can only imagine what the current situation will be like for others given the federal climate.
