Friday, February 16, 2018


I'm heartily sick of being sick. I cough a little and have no strength. Kaiser says "pneumonia". Been here before, done that, ready to be over it.

But I learned something while trawling through Google Images for a suitable illustration for my present condition: about a third of what search returns for "pneumonia cartoon" are pictures of an invalid Hillary Clinton. It is a reminder not to underestimate the staying power of a wacky right-wing lie.


  1. I'm sorry you are still feeling poorly. Pneumonia is no laughing matter. I've been talking about you and EP a lot this week in Portland,.All good things, of course. I love and miss you both. Sending love and light. Tell Morty I send him love as well. xo

  2. You need to stop treating it lightly and demanding your body get over it. This has been a bad year for serious illnesses.

    I get a lot of ugly cartoons at FB but all are of Trump. I think Hillary has a long lasting problem of some sort with a continuing cough. I've heard of a lot this year with something they can't shake.

  3. What a shame, Jan! It must be so frustrating for someone as active as you. Hope you get over it soon. Hugs!
