Monday, May 04, 2020

For the record: there's mourning in America

The Lincoln Project is a bunch of Republican campaign consultants funded by a few big money former GOPers who don't think the country can survive four more years of Donald Trump. They certainly are doing a good job of making their point. If you haven't seen this, do run the one-minute ad.

It's an historical truism that when societies are falling to fascist rule, disunity among the opponents of the thugs makes the success of the bad guys more likely. People who neither like nor trust each other have to work together to save a semi-decent, quasi-democratic polity.

A couple of years ago, I laid out some bottom lines for who I could imagine working alongside against the Trump regime. I think they have held up pretty well:
  • Allies in the struggle both have to be able to say that white supremacy, white entitlement, Eurocentric racism has been a defining reality throughout the history of this country. We needn't agree on exactly how that works, and what we must do about it, but we have to allow the premise and live from there.
  • Allies have to be able to say that an unregulated free market is a prescription for individual and planetary death. Again, we don't have to agree on exactly what curbs are needed, but we both have to acknowledge some are.
The work of the Lincoln Project seems to me to meet that criteria.

All together now: let's kick the GOPer clowns into the dustbin of history in November.

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