Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Laid off workers support a longer shut down

It was particularly striking in the story of the Chinese American neighborhood which largely escaped infection by coronavirus that workers in the Chinese groceries both pushed to close their stores as COVID spread and understood when it might be safe(r) to reopen.

Maybe our governing authorities should pay attention to what many people who have lost their jobs want from their governments. Seventy-nine percent believe their well-being would be best served by staying locked down.

That’s a remarkable number — and it’s one that suggests these people are taking a longer-term approach to getting back to work than Trump does. It seems they believe the best way to actually get back to work and stay there is to no longer have to deal with the outbreak, which makes complete logical sense. Perhaps they also fear that going back to work could mean their own exposure to the virus, given that many of them come from service industries.

Washington Post poll

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