Monday, May 18, 2020

Preview of November election hotspots

This turned up in a Texas Dems campaign fundraising pitch. It deserves pondering and internalizing for all of us bent on evicting the Orange catastrophe next fall.
I think I'm glad they are at least claiming to put Texas into the mix of battleground states. It's terribly expensive to contest -- but the electorate there is the country's future.

The states with crosshatches, uniquely, award some of their electoral votes based on which party wins in each Congressional district. Barack Obama picked up one in the most liberal district in Nebraska; we could lose one in northern Maine if the Congressional contest goes badly there.

The states with asterisks are some of the ones with Senate contests. Dems need every Senate seat we can possibly turn. By pundit consensus, the most likely are Arizona, Colorado, North Carolina and Maine, followed by Georgia, Iowa and Montana. South Carolina, Kansas and Texas are very, very long shots at the Senate level.

Click on the map to enlarge. Not sure where we'll be in the fall, but we'll be working for change somewhere indicated by this map.

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