Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Speaking so voters can hear

This is my idea of a terrific campaign ad. Take a look. You may find it nothing special, even boring. But it's perfectly suited to the district and the candidate it supports.

For years, California's 21st congressional district was a frustration to Democrats. The population of the San Joaquin Valley area is 71 percent Latinx. Voters registered as Democrats have long outnumbered Republicans. Hillary Clinton won the 21st in 2016 by 15 points! 

But CA-21 still elected a Republican congressman, over and over. 

In the blue wave year of 2018, TJ Cox changed that, sneaking past the Republican by less than 1000 votes out of a total of 113,000. 

Still, folks living in Kings County, and bits of Fresno, Tulare, and Kern counties, are not habitual voters. They need to be reminded what's in it for them. Irene Espinoza and TJ Cox do that here, simply and powerfully. Campaign ads don't have to be dramatic. They need to be believable and speak to real concerns.

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