Monday, August 02, 2021

Be careful out there ... #GetVaccinated

I think we can believe these stats and conclusions from Supervisor Matt Haney:

In San Francisco, 16 people who are fully vaccinated have been hospitalized and none have died.

This is out of the over 3000 who have been hospitalized overall, meaning vaccinated people are about .5% of those hospitalized.  
There are absolutely breakthrough cases, and everyone, including vaccinated people have to be careful and vigilant.

But vaccines work. They protect against the virus, and offer very strong protection against severe cases.

Get vaccinated and encourage others to do the same.

This is in a city where over 75% of adults are fully vaccinated. So to have such an under representation of people who are vaccinated among those who are hospitalized is especially notable.

We have it in our power to make it so there are hardly any residents remaining who would become seriously ill if infected by the coronavirus. We're that close. Protecting our neighbors is something we can do together.

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