Friday, February 18, 2022

Friday cat blogging: what's your supply chain bottleneck?

Unexpected difficulties with acquiring products we depend on keep cropping up in our almost post-pandemic world. 

One of the odder shortages has been of the pellets which form the basis of Janeway's incredibly simple litter box system. They seem to be tiny rocks, extruded in some industrial process, perhaps treated to serve as desiccants. (The litter system is a wonderful triumph of technological innovation, genuinely satisfactory to both cats and humans, though wasteful.) Like this:

For several months, these were unavailable. Then they became unexpectedly theoretically available, but for twice the price. Then the seller cancelled the order, oops ... no supply.

We tried some similarly shaped pine product pellets. Suffice to say, Janeway's effluvia reduced these to nasty dust.

And then unexpectedly, the pellets came back, with only a small price increase. Who knows?

What has been your weirdest supply problem? Tell me in the comments.

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Meanwhile Janeway, confident that we'll take care of her necessary business, enjoys a favored perch.


  1. Distilled Water. Many in my family need it for use in their CPAPs. First BiMart ran out and then lost their supplier. Then most of the grocery followed behindd. Visiting a few stores might produce one or two gallons (which last about 12 days each. So I bought a one gallon distiller. If the supply returns I could make beer or wine in it. :-)

  2. Pate cat food. Anything with gravy gets wasted as Mr.Grey licks the gravy off and leaves the meat. Fussy cat he lived outdoors for about 2 yrs. before I got him. lol

    I have found corn cob litter suitable, the fine MissKitty tracked all over the garage and found it's way to the house if any on his feet. It was nice as it dissolves the wet.
