Sunday, July 24, 2022

Graciousness abounds

People I've never seen before and most likely will never see again have been doing me unlooked for kindnesses lately.

One day I dropped my phone while clambering into the car. A guy who works down the street picked it up and left me a note, saving my vital tool and much of my sanity.

Here in Reno, I walk briskly around what we call "the duck pond" in the cool of the morning. See the blog header for a glimpse of this lovely place. Because the path runs right next to townhouses, I figured as a courtesy to reduce clicking noises, I'd put rubber tips on the trekking poles I use to get velocity.

But the path also runs over several wooden bridges and I quickly lost the new tips to the cracks. A day or so later, another walker stopped to ask me: "did you lose some tips from your canes?"

"I sure did." He reached in his pocket and handed over the tips which he must have found at two different ends of the pond. He'd pocketed them hoping to meet the walker. It was a lovely moment.
The skies of this desert place put me in mind of the kindness and glory of the Creator almost every day. (The motel below, our temporary home, is not such a pleasure, but it grounds the photo and the hard pressed staff do their best, despite a shortage of people to do the work.)

The splendor of the daytime skies equals the drama of the sunsets.

Such splendor all around, as we labor on this campaign to keep Nevada blue.

1 comment:

  1. Your post brought a smile to me. Today I could use such. :-)
