Thursday, June 27, 2024

Debate anticipation

I'm sitting around, planning to catch the debate between Joe and the Orange Sociopath, and remembering 2016.

Hillary Clinton describes her experience in the arena:

He starts with nonsense and then digresses into blather.

Every pundit around has suggestions for how Biden should handle the guy. I don't. I figure Biden will use his years of experience and know what to do.

Remembering the Clinton-Trump debate reminds me of my mother-in-law, since deceased. (After some confusion, she decided that was the right label for our kinship; she needed some label to introduce me as family.)

I was staying with her on Martha's Vineyard that fall, being of some use to help with her increasing challenges. 

She didn't need any convincing that Trump was a bad man -- she'd seen a few. 

She decided we should watch the debate at a community gathering, so off we toodled along in her Mini, wheelchair jammed in the back. At the MV Hebrew Center there were plenty of other watchers, most also old, people she knew or thought she should know. She had superb social skills which helped when she met up with someone she couldn't quite remember. They chatted away

The debate was the one during which Trump stalked Clinton around the stage, using his bulk to loom over his opponent threateningly. The audience gasped at his boorish nonsense.

We all thought Clinton had "won," whatever that meant.

And then Trump managed a victory later that year -- and my life has been about turning back the bad man and MAGA's anti-democratic project ever since. 

Here we go again. Both Erudite Partner and I will be again working to win Nevada for Joe Biden and Senator Jackie Rosen. More to follow.

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