Wednesday, September 11, 2024

There was a debate

I could natter on about the debate, but I think I'll leave it to Jamar Tisby, author of a new book pitched to evangelical Christians about heroic Black Americans: 

I prefer Frederick Douglass’ approach.

In a letter responding to a question about race and politics in 1873, he wrote,

Tell your wants, hold the party up to its profession, but do your utmost to keep it in power in State and Nation."

Douglass encouraged voters to hold their party accountable to its promises and to progress—but to first keep that party in office.

Only the most extreme ideologues approve absolutely everything a party or candidate says and does. Your vote should not be considered tacit agreement on every action that a politician takes or every statement they make.

The country doesn't love a whiner and that's all the former president offered last night.

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