Thursday, February 01, 2024

Follow-up on MAGA cloud cuckooland: coming after your brain

Apparently if you live in the media bubble that Simon Rosenberg so eloquently described yesterday, you get to claim that Officer Derek Chauvin didn't murder George Floyd. Wingers are making the story their concoctions versus your lying eyes. After all, the world saw the video ... and a jury sent Chauvin away for a long time.

Radley Balko, libertarian researcher into criminal justice and injustice, has the goods. The right wing infotainment system has seceded from consensus reality:

For a few precious days after the death of George Floyd, there was at least a clear consensus across the political spectrum — there was near-unanimity that what Darnella Frazier captured on her cell phone was a crime. An outrage. A thing to be denounced.

As Floyd lay handcuffed on his stomach, Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin knelt on Floyd’s back for nine minutes as Floyd became unresponsive, then went limp, then died. Even the most vocal police supporters condemned Chauvin’s actions, though with obligatory disclaimers that Chauvin was a rogue, aberrant bad apple, and that no one should judge all law enforcement officers by his actions.

The consensus wouldn’t last. As protests heated up around the country, far-right pundits began to break away. They pointed to Floyd’s criminal record, the violence at some of the protests, and the allegedly radical positions of the organizers. Dennis Prager, the radio host and founder of a fake university, marveled to his audience how “decent” MPD officers had been to Floyd....

With Tucker Carlson and dingbat Bari Weiss on the case for MAGA nonsense, can reality hold out?

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