Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Yesterday I took one of my occasional, entirely inadvertent, bone density tests. There was a root on the trail and then the earth banged into my face. No real damage done, though enough blood to make an interesting pattern on my hat which I used to staunch the bleeding.

Think I'll take it easy today ...


Anonymous said...

Ouch! Glad nothing is broken.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Hope it doesn't hurt too badly. Salaamtik

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Looks a bit painful, but bone density test sounds successful. A fall like that can shake you up. Take it easy!

Anonymous said...

Take care!! No need for such a hard test!! Abrazos para ti y para Rebecca

Jane R said...

OW! Good idea to rest up.

Celia said...

Ouch, I'm so sorry. Take it easy.

Chris said...

Glad you were able to do the photo. That must've hurt! Keep at it: blogging and walking the trails.

Brandon said...

I'm reading this now. I hope you're feeling better.

Myra said...

Ouch indeed! Sorry it “can happen there”!